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Product cover image compression plug-in

Product cover image compression plug-in

Product picture is too large?Loading too slow?Ostensible phobia,This plug-in can help you solve your problems!

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I hope this product can help you solve practical problems,Do not recommend impulse buying,The virtual product of code product class can be copied,Refunds are not accepted due to non quality issues~

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Application of windmill plug-in

Plug in developed by community experts,High popularity,Stable reputation,Collage,Bargain,Large turntable, etc

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Plug in installation process

1. Log in to your own mall background、From the left menu[ Application Center -> App store ]Click to enter the app store
2. After entering the app store、Log in to the account of the bound store、[ VIPUser foundVIPplug-in unit ] or [ Purchased plug-ins and free plug-ins ]
3. On the plug-in details page、You can see an online installation button on the right side of the Buy Now button、Click it and it will be automatically installed in your own mall
4. Then it will automatically return to the mall background application management,Click the Install button and enable、Click the setting icon to configure
If you encounter problems during use, you can directly contact the corresponding author of the plug-in、Free plug-ins can be directly asked by the community

You're still thinking that the picture on the cover of the product is too big,Are you worried about loading too slowly?

(The product cover is too large,Not only seriously reduces the page loading speed,It is also a waste of server space)

This plug-in can solve your problems with one click,For details,Please look down:

one、Plug in function

1、Huge compressed product cover,5MPicture of,It can be compressed to hundreds with high qualityKSize of;

2、While compressing,Keep original drawing,Don't want to use compressed images,Close the plug-in to instantly restore the original image,Free conversion,Come and go like wind;

3、New limit compression mode,How many covers can be compressedKeven to the extent that10A fewK;

two、usage method

1、Available online

2、Background one click fool initialization

3、Automatic compression during daily product editing,No action required

three、Adaptation instructions


four、List of screenshots





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If you have any questions, ask other classmates~

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