To protect your rights and interests,Do not trade privately!99%Fraud of、Dispute caused by private transaction,Problems arising from private transactions are not managed by the platform。

hello,Your mini program is for trading purposes,Need to be in the developer backend「version management —Submit for review——Mini Program Order Centerpath」Set Order Center Pagepath,Please set it up before submitting the code for review。 When the program is submitted for review, I also write the user center address /pages/user-order/user-order But still

hello,Your mini program is for trading purposes,Need to be in the developer backend「version management —Submit for review——Mini Program Order Centerpath」Set Order Center Pagepath,Please set it up before submitting the code for review。
When the program is submitted for review, I also write the user center address /pages/user-order/user-order But it hasn't been reviewed yet, but
The administrator has answered
Hello!,The address is correct /pages/user-order/user-order
Can be handled based on the reason for the failure。

comment 1

  • Xiao Qian Ge.Belang Bathroom 01-26 21:28

    1、 Mini programs with new registration or version iteration requirements,The order center page of the merchant mini program can be configured through parameters during the review processpath Add parameter as:order_path; The interface is:submit_audit 2、 Mini programs without version iteration requirements,Third party developers can set the order center page on behalf of merchants through the following interfacepath applySetOrderPathInfo:This interface can be used for batch merchant mini program submission, application settings, order center pagepath getOrderPathInfo:This interface can be used to query the order center page of the merchant mini programpathinformation

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