To protect your rights and interests,Do not trade privately!99%Fraud of、Dispute caused by private transaction,Problems arising from private transactions are not managed by the platform。
After configuring according to the settings above,Error message displayed when submitting order to trigger payment:System error occurred,fields not exists:[weixin_web_openid]
Merchants'h5Payment Domain Name,Do we need to add is currently only one configuration
Authorized domain name of official account
The administrator has answered

You must have upgraded from an old version, right,Either the upgrade is incorrect,Or cache,Try clearing the cache at the top of the backend。

comment 1

  • Abai 09-27 09:58

    Clear cache,I tried clearing the cache at the top of the backend, but it didn't work。Not using the latest version ,yesshopXO 6.0.0edition,Because the host does not support itPHP8.0Above version。

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