To protect your rights and interests,Do not trade privately!99%Fraud of、Dispute caused by private transaction,Problems arising from private transactions are not managed by the platform。
How to configure pseudo static
The administrator has answered

The pseudo static rule file is located in the system public Under the directory
httpd.confThe configuration file has been loadedmod_rewrite.somodule
AllowOverride None takeNoneChange to All
Save the contents of the following file as.htaccessPut the file in the same level directory as the application entrance file
Rule file public/htaccess-apache

stayNginxIn low versions,It is not supportedPATHINFOof,But it can be done throughNginx.confImplement the forwarding rules in the configuration file as follows
Rule file public/htaccess-nginx

If your server environment supportsISAPI_RewriteThe words,Can be configuredhttpd.inifile,Add the content from the following file
Rule file public/htaccess-iis

Pagoda panel configuration
In website settings、Left pseudo static、choicethinkphp Just save it

Short address configuration
Left menu in the background[ site -> SEOset up ]Select short address for link mode

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