To protect your rights and interests,Do not trade privately!99%Fraud of、Dispute caused by private transaction,Problems arising from private transactions are not managed by the platform。 mall cannot activate the WeChat payment module after placing an order and making payment within the WeChat ecosystem,But you can enter the website in the browser to place an order,Both the computer and mobile devices can activate the WeChat payment module,Can make correct payment successfully。WeChat merchants also configure official account,JSAPIpayment,Nativepayment,H5All payments have been activated,It's also configured,The official account is also configured。Just keep goingJSAPIPayment cannot be called for(That is to say, the WeChat payment module cannot be recalled when entering the mall from the official account to chat with WeChat websites。)
Also, after opening a WeChat merchant account, I cannot receive email information about the merchant's account。
The administrator has answered

Hello!,WeChatappInstallation is required in the middle Wechat web authorization This plug-in can be configured with the official account key,Then the official account platform development settings are configured with the authorized domain name of the web page。

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