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Backend application management,Import plugins using import applications(zipformat),In the application management of the website backend「Not installed」and「already installed」Not displaying anything,Search for application name in the directory,It can only be searched【Under the root directory-public--static-upload-images】There are just a few pictures here,Are there any other positions available

Backend application management,Import plugins using import applications(zipformat),In the application management of the website backend「Not installed」and「already installed」Not displaying anything,Search for application name in the directory,It can only be searched【Under the root directory-public--static-upload-images】There are just a few pictures here,Are there any other positions available,What's the problem here,Do we need to set it separately
The administrator has answered
Hello!,The correct plugin package needs to be installed in order to display properly。If not displayed That's because there's an issue with the plugin package。Can be installed online in the store Everything is fine。

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